My Phone - Micromax Canvas HD

Micromax Canvas HD

I'm posting this very late cause this phone is over 6 months old now lol.
If some of you are unaware of this phone, it's called Micromax Canvas HD.

Why I purchased it:
I purchased it within a few months after its launch. It's not as good as Samsung, Sony, HTC or Nokia when it comes to stability and durability but performance wise, it's pretty awesome!
I purchased this phone cause I wanted to buy a phone from Indian manufacturer.
Micromax is making phones with high specs at very cheap rates. It's as if Micromax is trying to tell us, "Hey look, you can get a phone with high specs in cheap price. Other brands are just over pricing all this stuff and stealing your money". So I wanted to support them.

Another reason why I purchased this is that I wasn't looking for a great phone with high price tag. I like changing phones. Actually I purchase a new one almost every year. So I was looking for something that's cheap and enough for me to stay updated with the latest Android stuff. This was the best phone (considering specs and reviews) under Rs. 15k which was my budget. So I went for it.

My experience and opinion about Canvas HD:
My experience with this phone is pretty amazing and satisfactory. I got what I needed and this phone doesn't really make me think that I've wasted my money.

Videos: I can watch HD videos, movies directly copied from PC to phone without any issues (not converted). Even the HD videos recorded on my Digi cam can be played smoothly.

Music Player: The Music player isn't that great with stock earphones which are very cheap quality but some tweaks in equalizer and new, better quality earphones provide the best sound. I love listening to songs and most of the time they are songs with high amount of bass or music. So if this phone makes me happy, it's good enough to make any music lover happy!

Camera: Rear camera is 8MP, auto focus with a single led flash. It's perfect if you take pics without zooming. It can zoom up to 4x but it's digital zoom. So using zoom distorts the image, makes it blurry or pixelated. This applies to almost every phone camera so I'd recommend you to avoid zooming so you can get the best quality images possible.
In front there is a 2MP fixed focus camera which can be used for Skype, video calling, selfies maybe. The images are pretty decent quality.

Dual Sim: It's a dual Sim phone but I'm using it with single Sim. I've read many times that using 2 sim cards in one phone drains the battery very fast so I avoid using 2 sims in one phone. I use another very low end phone (Nokia 2700) for my 2nd sim. Reason for that is, low end phones work for several days without charge and so it acts as my backup phone in case Canvas HD runs out of battery power. I have 2 different sim cards so if one doesn't have any network, other usually has and that helps a lot. Cause I can make calls and turn on net using that sim card so I can stay connected with family and friends at all times. Simple.

Gaming: Playing games on this phone is real fun! It's quad core processor is ready to deal with any game you install in it. I hardly face any lags or crashes while gaming. The larger games take some time to load but they do load, it doesn't crash on you. That's the best part of it.
The only downside is it's internal memory. It's only 1.7GB so any games larger than 1.7GB can't be played (unless you root it)
Update: After Android OS Update,  you can now move files from internal memory to SD card easily without rooting so you can play games with larger file size.

Memory: Everyone says it has 1.7GB usable memory but let me clarify something which they never told you. This phone actually has 2.7GB usable memory but it's divided into 2 parts. One is called Phone memory (1GB) and other is Internal memory (1.7GB)
So that is basically 2.7GB of usable internal memory.
Now I've found a way to make good use of both phone and internal memory. I'm using internal memory (1.7GB) only for games so if I want, I can install many games up to 1.7GB or install one game that is 1.7GB in size. And I'm using the phone memory (1GB) for other normal daily use apps like fb, twitter, whatsapp, gmail, go launcher, photo editor, etc.
So I can have normal apps in my phone memory and dedicated space for gaming in internal memory. That's actually a good way of managing your phone if you're a gamer.

Battery: I see some people saying it has bad battery life. Well my phone stays up all day long and even at night when I get back home, it has 20% battery left.
My usage is normal calls, browsing, whatsapp, fb, youtube (yes, youtube cause I'm 3G!) taking pics whenever and wherever I can, I don't shoot videos much. I listen to music and play games at same time or I watch a movie while I'm traveling. And yes, I forgot I manage my fb pages and sometimes make blog posts too.
My net is active 24hrs. I never switch it off. There are people who switch it off for few hrs to save battery but I don't. I don't need to. I have enough battery to make this phone work all day long without any issues. Charge it at night and this phone is ready to serve me on next day.

Some bad experiences:
So when I purchased this phone I wasn't expecting a completely stable and bug free phone so even with some instability issues, I'm still happy with this phone and I'd recommend it to anyone who is interested in purchasing this phone.
Sometimes the phone won't respond properly when it's charging. This doesn't happen regularly. It happens only if the phone heats up sometimes while charging. It doesn't always heat up while charging but sometimes it does.
I avoid this issue by simply cutting off the charger, letting the phone cool down a bit and then start charging it again. It works completely fine if it's not hot. So this is not a serious issue if you ask me.
The stock earphones were a disappointment cause the sound quality was very average. I'm used to good sound quality from Nokia, Sony and Samsung phones (cause they have good earphones) so I didn't like listening to music in Canvas HD.
Update: Later I did some research and found out how I can get better sound quality. It worked and now I'm happy with it's sound quality. So even this isn't a serious issue.
I can't think of any other things that made me sad about this phone. This phone is really good. Much better than what I was expecting. If I have any more bad experiences, I'll update it here.

Enough talk, lets get a bit technical. The specs of Micromax Canvas HD are listed below.

Processor: 1.2Ghz Quad Core
Android: Jelly bean 4.1.2 (Mine is not officially upgradeable)
Form: Full Touch
Dimensions: 144mmx74mmx10.7mm
Display: 12.7cm / 5 inch HD (1280X720 pixels)
2G network: GSM900 / 1800MHz
3G network: UMTS 2100MHz
Speed: HSDPA - 21 Mbps; HSUPA - 11 Mbps
Camera: 8MP Auto focus camera with Flash. 2MP front camera
Memory: 4GB (1.7GB usable) expandable upto 32GB
Ram: 1GB DDR2
GPS: Yes
Connectivity: Bluetooth 4.0; Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n; USB 2.0
Sensor: Light, Proximity, Gravity (No Compass)
Battery: 2000mAh
Talktime: 5 Hours
Standby time: 180 Hours

For more detailed specs, visit GSM Arena

Got some questions? Wanna know more about Micromax Canvas HD from me? Leave a comment or send a message. Thanks for reading! :)

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